Serving Arizona

The Mission

Revitalizing Arizona’s Economy

Arizona families are struggling with rising costs and an economy still recovering from the pandemic. That’s why Mark has spent his first two years in the Senate working to revitalize Arizona’s economy and get it back on track.

Mark Kelly speaks with a young father outside a local grocery store in Tucson, AZ.

Lowering Costs

Since last November, Mark has called on the Biden Administration to take action to lower costs. His plan to lower prescription drug costs was recently signed into law. He’s also introduced legislation to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax, supported increasing domestic oil production, and has pushed corporations to stop price gouging.

Mark Kelly stands in a field with a local technician surrounded by solar panels.

Getting Arizona’s Economy Back on Track

Mark has helped cut taxes for families, all while making sure corporations pay their fair share. He delivered direct support to Arizona families and small businesses as well. Since taking office he’s also returned over $17 million in owed benefits back to constituents and has used his office to help support local small businesses like Tres Leches Cafe in Phoenix.

Mark Kelly discusses workforce readiness programs at Pima Community College.

Creating Jobs

Through the bipartisan infrastructure law and his microchip manufacturing law, Mark is bringing thousands of good-paying jobs to the state of Arizona, many of which don’t require a four-year degree. By supporting community colleges and technical schools around the state, he’s making sure Arizonans have the tools they need to fill these jobs.

Delivering Results for Arizonans

Mark believes that Washington works best when Republicans and Democrats work together to deliver results, which is exactly what he’s done since taking office. Ranked the most bipartisan freshman Democrat in the Senate and one of the most bipartisan senators in Congress, Mark has broken through the gridlock that so often keeps things from getting done.

Mark Kelly looks over Parker Dam in La Paz County, AZ.

Infrastructure & Microchips

Mark played a key role in shaping the bipartisan infrastructure law that will fix our roads and bridges, increase access to high-speed internet, and modernize our ports of entry. He also negotiated the bipartisan CHIPS law which will invest in microchip manufacturing here in Arizona, easing supply chain demands, creating jobs, and supporting our national security.

Mark Kelly laughs while speaking with several Arizona seniors.

Health Care

Mark passed a law to ban surprise medical billing. He also passed major prescription drug reform that will allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices with pharmaceutical companies and will cap out-of-pocket expenses for seniors. He will also always protect Social Security to make sure seniors have the benefits they’ve earned.


Mark has delivered increased technology and staffing to strengthen Arizona border security. Thanks to Mark, Customs and Border Protection will be closing border barrier gaps near the Morelos Dam outside Yuma. Mark will keep working to ensure that Arizona has the tools needed for a secure, orderly, and fair process at the border.

Bringing Transparency and Accountability to Washington

Out of 535 members, only one person rejects corporate PAC money, publishes their Senate schedule online, and puts their assets into Qualified Blind Trusts. That person is Mark Kelly.

Mark believes that no elected official should be in a position to profit off of their position and is working to make sure Washington works for people — not corporations. He’s introduced legislation to require all members of Congress to take the same accountability steps he has because it’s the right thing to do.

Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords talk and laugh with two women outside of a local carniceria in Tucson, AZ.

Ban Corporate PACs

Mark doesn’t take a dime of corporate PAC money and he has proposed legislation to ban corporate PACs entirely. Mark believes we need to reduce the corporate influence in Washington that so often stands in the way of getting results for Arizonans.

Mark Kelly speaks with the Mayor of Clifton, AZ.

Public Senate Schedule

Mark publishes his official Senate schedule online so Arizonans can see who he’s meeting with and how he’s working for our state — and he’s introduced legislation to require all senators to do the same.

Mark Kelly shakes hands with a volunteer in Flagstaff, AZ

End Congressional Stock Trading

Elected leaders have access to valuable information that impacts policy, the economy, and entire industries.  Mark has introduced legislation to ban members of Congress from trading stocks, which would put an end to corrupt insider trading and ensure leaders in Congress focus on delivering results for their constituents — not their stock portfolios.

Representing Arizona’s Values

Mark Kelly knows that it’s not about Democrat priorities or Republican priorities — it’s about Arizona priorities. From protecting reproductive freedom to combating climate change, he’ll always be a voice for Arizona’s values in the U.S. Senate.

Mark Kelly shakes hand with Planned Parenthood advocates.

Protect Abortion Rights

Mark is a co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act which would write almost 50 years of precedent for abortion protections under Roe v. Wade into law. Mark will always defend and protect the right of Arizona women to make their own healthcare decisions.

Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords ride horses through a desert landscape.

Fight Climate Change

From the International Space Station, Mark has seen the impacts of climate change on our planet. He knows we have to use science, data, and facts to fight climate change and it’s impacts on Arizona, including drought, heat, and wildfires. He passed legislation to boost renewable energy, which will protect the climate and create more great-paying jobs in Arizona.

Mark Kelly meets with a group of Arizona service members stationed in Poland with the 82nd Airborne.

Support Veterans

As a Navy combat veteran, Mark has a great respect for Arizona’s military and veteran community. In office, Mark helped pass bipartisan legislation to expand VA healthcare eligibility for toxin-exposed veterans.